We Are Champions!

Middle School Athletics
Middle School Athletics
Middle School Athletics
Cheer Team

Welcome to Sports Season 2024/25

Elem. Contact: Mrs. Samuel | Room 135
MS Contact: Mr. Samuel | Room 413

  • Elementary Grades 3-5
  • Middle School Grades 6-8

Cross-Country meets will be held weekly on Thursdays throughout the season. There will be one week during the season when two meets will take place; the specific week will be determined by the league.

The sign-off guidelines apply equally to both regular season and district meets for Cross-Country.

  • Middle School Grades 6-8 (This Season) 

Game days for Soccer are still being finalized. We will provide updates as soon as the district league confirms the schedule.

The season is expected to commence on September 30, 2024. The Athletic Report Card sign-off requirements will be applicable for both regular season and playoff games.

Other Sports for the Remainder of the School Year

Sports such as Street Hockey, Volleyball, Basketball, and Flag Football will also take place this school year, adhering to the same requirements.